Microsoft Excel 2016 Level 3

What You’ll Learn

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to perform advanced data analysis, collaborate on workbooks with other users, and automate workbook functionality.


Course Overview

This course will teach you how to analyze and report on data frequently, work in collaboration with others to deliver actionable organizational intelligence, and keep and maintain workbooks for all manner of purposes.

You will also learn how to collaborate with colleagues, automate complex or repetitive tasks, and use conditional logic to construct and apply elaborate formulas and functions that will put the full power of Excel right at your fingertips.

The more you learn about how to get Excel to do the hard work for you, the more you’ll be able to focus on getting the answers you need from the vast amounts of data your organization generates.

Course Outlines

Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks

  • Use Links and External References
  • Use 3-D References
  • Consolidate Data

Using Goal Seek, Solver and VLookup

  • Setting Up the Worksheet
  • Using Goal Seek
  • Running Solver
  • Generating Reports and Scenarios with Solver
  • Modifying Constraints
  • Setting Solver Options
  • Use VLookup

Analyzing Data

  • Enabling the Analysis ToolPak
  • Using Data Analysis Tools
  • Using Data Tables

Managing Data

  • Consolidating Information
  • Removing Duplicates
  • Configuring Data Validation
  • Transposing Data
  • Converting Text to Columns

Using the Inquire Add-In

  • Installing Inquire
  • Generating a Workbook Analysis Report
  • Viewing Workbook and Worksheet Relationships
  • Viewing Cell Relationships
  • Comparing Two Workbooks

Working with Slicers

  • Inserting and Using a Slicer
  • Renaming the Slicer
  • Changing Slicer Settings
  • Formatting a Slicer
  • Clearing the Slicer
  • Forecasting Data
  • Determine Potential Outcomes Using Data Tables
  • Determine Potential Outcomes Using Scenarios
  • Creating Scenarios
  • Loading Scenarios
  • Merging Scenarios
  • Editing Scenarios
  • Creating a Scenario Summary Report
  • Deleting Scenarios
  • Use the Goal Seek Feature
  • Forecasting Data Trends

PivotTable Features

  • Creating a Basic PivotTable
  • Creating a Basic PivotChart
  • Using the PivotTable Fields Pane
  • Adding Calculated Fields
  • Sorting Pivoted Data
  • Filtering Pivoted Data

Automating Workbook Functionality

  • Apply Data Validation
  • Search for Invalid Data and Formulas with Errors
  • Work with Macros