Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Project Name
Project Meeting Minutes

Date, time date, Time
Location Meeting room
Participants Present:
Name1 (company)
Name2 (company)
… etc. …
Name3 (company)
… etc. …
Version No. Version No. 1.0 (verified and approved)
Agenda Items Item 1: Approval of the minutes of date
Item 2: Topic A
Item 3: Topic B
responsible due by
Item 1: Approval of the minutes of date
1 Notes Name date
Item 2: Topic A
2.1 Notes Name date
2.2 Notes Name date
Item 3: Topic B
3 Notes Name date
4 Name date
Results/ Resolutions
Item 1 Resolution 1 Name date
Item 2 Resolution 2.1 Name date
Resolution 2.2 Name date
Name date
Next meeting date